Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Prague - Aug 6th

Today we went to Terizen (Thereisenstadt) with Wittman Tours. Martina had a little less personality than Barbora from yesterday but she was very knowledgeable. We ended up with a small group, a brother and sister that came from Hungary just before the Hungarian Revolution, her son, and the brother’s and son’s wives who they were showing Prague and Budapest. On the 45 minute drive Martina gave a description of how the Jews of Prague were forced across the river early in the war. Then they had to board the trains near Prague and were dropped off 2 miles from the Terizen Fortress. Then a walk of 2 miles brought them inside the fortress walls which the Nazis conveniently used to create a ghetto. This worked for about 1 year but then the overcrowding caused them to turn the ghetto into a concentration camp from which almost all of the Jews were sent to extermination camps throughout eastern Europe, mostly Auschwitz. I finally understand the difference between ghetto, concentration and extermination camps now. Although Terizen had four ovens setup on the cemetery grounds these were used to cremate many of the 32,000 Jews who died of ‘natural’ causes like malnutrition, typhoid, dysentery, etc. The extermination camps were the place where the intentional killing was done. The trip also included a quick walk around the little fort on the other side of the river which the Nazis used as a prison during the war.

For our music adventure we went to a concert advertised as the International Horn Festival. We hoped to see some of Hannah’s friends from Oberlin but it was a recital put on by last year’s winner. It was OK but at least we got to see the inside of the Klementinum Mirror Hall. Had dinner right outside at the first private restaurant in Prague, Rekavik, started by an Icelander. We had a very nice American fried appetizer platter and 2 different pasta’s that were very tasty. Walked over to the Charles Bridge and walked up the Vlatva River to watch (and take pictures of) the sun setting behind Prague Castle.

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