Monday, August 4, 2008

Prague - Aug 3

We left Pittsburgh on time with the help of our friend Chas Hirsh. We went to services Friday night and he volunteered before we even told him that we were planning on taking the bus to the airport. We got there in plenty of time, had our lunch, bought a snack for Boston and then Lisa wanted me to change our seats on the Boston – Frankfurt leg since we both ended up with middles. Well she couldn’t do anything about it but was about to page the Levinson’s. It turns out that our seats on the Pittsburgh –Boston leg were broken. We she had to scramble for volunteers since of course the flight was booked solid. We ended up in Prague as planned with no more adventures (our luggage even made it this time).

We checked in at 10AM and they upgraded us to concierge level. Lisa was impressed. Ended up taking a nap and then heading out for a walk around the neighborhood. We hit Old Town Square, the Rudolfinum, Manesuv Bridge, back over on Charles Bridge. Stopped off at the Apropos Restaurant where Lisa had a trout and I had a greek salad. It was good but nothing special although we didn’t have the chocolate cake which the waiter tried to tell us was to die for.

In Old Town Square, I was taking pictures like all the other tourists. A guy came over and wanted us to take a picture of his party. Turns out that they were from Siberia. Those Russians are sure getting around.

On this walk we found many different concert going on in various churches and theaters in the area. We decided on the first one since it was the ‘Last Night’ of the Prague Proms and they seemed to have the lowest prices. Turns out they claimed the cheap seats were sold out but after going the concert, I don’t think they wanted to sell the cheap seats especially to tourists. The concert was great but the first half was being video recorded. Turns out the producers had a great idea to set up an announcer in the back part of the aisle just where we were sitting to do an interview DURING the horn concerto!!! Well the guy in front of us got up and complained and they left. The concert was in the Smetana Theater at Municipal Hall. The audience was dressed very fancy and the hall was also very ornate with half the women bare breasted (the statues and paintings that is).

Overall, a great start for our week in Prague.

A few pictures for Sam...

Hannah can you help me translate???

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