Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Prague - Aug 5th

After a good nights sleep we woke up just in time to have breakfast and head over to the Hotel Intercontinental. The Wittman Tours leaves from there at 10:30AM for a 3 hour tour of the Jewish Museum. This is actually a visit to 5 historic synagogues and a cemetery. Actually very fascinating and well worth the time. Turns out that Lisa and I could have spent another couple of hours just reading and looking at the artifacts. Our guide, Barbora, was a young women majoring in Jewish Studies in a Czech University. Her family is Jewish on her mother's side and she has been learning her heritage for about 10 years somewhat against her mother's wishes. There is supposedly 3000 people in Czech Republic that identify with a synagogue but she believes that there are many more like her that are identifying themselves as Jewish.

We then had a nice lunch at the first Kolkovna Group restaurant just across the street from the Spanish Synagogue, this time we tried the Czech Goulash and of course a mug of Pilsner Urquell. Very tasty...

Headed over to the Cubist Museum which we had walked by 4 or 5 times already and didn't recognize that the Black Madonna (the name of the building) was a Cubist style building, it seemed to fit in very nicely with the more classical buildings just a block off from Old Town Square. We learned a lot about the Czech artists between 1910 and 1918. Pretty amazing that this style came and went so quickly.

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