Friday, August 15, 2008

Lugano Aug 15th

Plenary: Christof Koch
  • He was introduced as making 24th in some magazine's most stylish men in the world list.
  • Talked about trying to understand what it means to be conscious.
  • Worked closely with Francis Crick of DNA fame

Left and started walking towards Agno. I wanted to see a different lake and once I learned the scale of the map it seemed like a very feasible walk. After about 25 minutes I found Laghetto di Muzzano which was a very nice pond. I kept walking and ended up finding the airport and Agro which is on another part of Lake Lugano. I also found out where everyone was. Aug 15th is an Italian holiday, Ferragosto, so this part of Switzerland also had a 3 day weekend. There is the Vedeggio River entering into the lake and on both sides they had campgrounds filled with trailers and little shacks. Not sure if these people came from the local area or the bigger cities but they had much more life. There was also a bike trail along the stream.

A storm was heading in so I ducked into a pizzeria and ordered a beer on an outside table. When the beer arrived he asked me to move inside and a minute later the sky opened up and a huge thunderstorm hit. I stayed until they kicked me out. They are only open from 12-2:30PM for lunch and then open at 5 PM for snacks and 7 PM for dinner. It had mostly stopped raining so my walk home wasn’t too bad.

Here is a picture of our hotel. Lisa found it. Double click on the picture and it will show full size. You can see the bins in the front they are for garbage. They have a great system where you dump your bag down and each bin is underground. The garbage trucks come around and empty out the bins by pulling each one out of the ground. Check the Louis Vitton store on the right. You might be able to see an old funicula line to the left of our hotel.

The evening the congress had a party complete with a 6 piece Chicago Blues style band. They sang the covers with no hint of accent but you could hear the accent in between tunes.

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