Friday, April 18, 2008

April 7, 2008

Well, I decided to pick up my new bike on Monday evening and ride it to REI to check on the Thule bike carrier attachment. Angelo played with his own bike the whole day so he didn't have it ready when I showed up at 6PM. Had to wait 45 minutes and by that time the sun was starting to go down. I figured though I could rush down there and get the information I needed on moving the locks from the old Mazda MPV attachments to the new one for the Highlander's roof rack. Well it went pretty smoothly so I decided to speed up the trail along the river before heading home. Nice ride, but my neck hurt when I got home. Need to figure out how to ride a racing bike without straining my neck.

Worked the whole weekend again on the rec fields. No issues except I got to work a few games myself.

1 comment:

Tom Kendig said...


Give me an example of an issue from the week before?

No shows?

Double bookings?

Coach complaints?