Saturday, July 9, 2011

Colorado July 9

Our vacation is almost over.  We check out and head east to Denver.  First we stop off at Silverthorne to check out the visitor information to see about how to get to Rocky Mountain National Park.  Turns out that the visitor center is in the middle of the Outlet Shops.  Turns out that we made the right exit.  We head up 9 to Rt 40 and then across on Rt 36.  First of all though, we check out the restrooms.  The fanciest we have seen outside of a 5 star restaurant.  The urinals were 4ft wide with walls of tiled stone.   We also check out the Under Armor and Perl Izumi stores.  I get a bike shirt and jacket. 

The drive to Grand Lake is fine.  The visitor center here directs us to the Adams Falls trail.  Turns out it was just what we wanted.  Nice falls but we continued up towards Lone Pine on the East Inlet Trail there are two meadows/wetlands that are surrounded by beautiful mountains.  We keep looking for a moose with no luck but on the way down we spook a long legged fox.  Lots of flowers and running water.

We then drive through the park.  A few miles in we see people gauking and there is a female moose just browsing in the bushes. A few more miles people are looking at a lone elk with a full rack.  Don't forget the great views of mountains, valleys, forests, etc.  Right before we get to the tundra visitors center there is a herd of elk just lying down and enjoying the end of the day.  Lots of great views going down the backside.  We (well I) decide to head down rt 7 to get to I-70.  Turns out that it is good road but lots of ups and downs and turns.  Takes forever.  We end up back in Idaho Springs for Beau Jo's pizza which is quite good. 

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