Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Colorado July 6

Heading over to Aspen today to attend the Aspen Music Festival with Gil Shaham playing the Walton Violin Concerto.  On the way Lisa and tried to hike Hanging Lake.  We first stopped off at Bair Ranch with had a sign up that the bike trail was closed.  Problem is that the Hanging Lake exit was closed today due to the Shoshone Power Plant doing a construction project.  So after talking this over with the US Forest Service people posted at the Grizzly Canyon Exit (going west you have to get off at Grizzly and go back east), we decided to hike up Grizzly Canyon.  Hike is very nice and follows the creek.

  With all of the water this summer, it was loud!!!  It was nice in the morning as most of it was shaded.  First 30 minutes was pretty easy.  Then it starts to climb.   We went about 1.5 hours and Lisa needed to turn around.  I decided to keep going to see if there was anything new.  I got through a pass and got great views of the creek.   Heading back I ran across a family we met at the Club whose 20 something son is a big biker.  he was doing the trail on his mountain bike!!

On the way we stopped in Glenwood Springs for pizza, beer, and a visit to Doc Holliday's grave. 

Got to Aspen and caught up with Dan and Becky who did a horse back riding trip.  We all went to the concert.  We were very impressed with Spano and concert orchestra.   We all loved the Elgar arrangement of the Bach Tocatta and Fugue and Strauss' Don Juan.

Had dinenr with Lisa's friend at Junk.  Very clever menu and the food was very tasty.  I has the Junk Salad.

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