Friday, July 8, 2011

Colorado July 7

 Stayed the night in Aspen.  Took off around 8:30AM to head for Independence Pass.  Parked the car and headed up a foot path through the tundra along the continental divide.  First 20 minutes was fine around the mud and ponds.  Then we hit a patch of snow.  Looked innocent enough but it was getting softer.  Started sinking up to our knees.  After this patch then next one was bigger. Contemplated turning around but decided to keep going.  Reached the first 'false' mountain top.  Had lunch and just looked around.  Pretty cool being on top of the world.  We actually there were two more mountain tops on the trail but we decided to head back.

This site has some nice pictures of both sides of the drive up and down the pass.  Here are some pics that I took on our hike.

Walked around Leadville without finding much of interest to eat.  Reached the bike shop in time to pickup my LiteSpeed Siena 105.  The owner of the shop was trying to sell it.  Pretty nice bike but I sure could have used a few more climbing gears going up Vail Pass.  I took it for a spin up to Edwards and a little of the back hills.  Had a tough time getting up Batchlor's Gulch.  An indication of tomorrow's challenges.

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