Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Colorado July 4

Well the crew joined me for the 4th of July festivities in Vail.  Paper said that this was the busiest day of the year in Vail.  Lisa and I got there just in time to get one of the last parking spots in the parking garage.  The parade was OK but definitely not one of the greatest ever seen:
  • Random Harley owners led the parade but there seemed to be a 10 minute gap between them and the cops behind.
  • The floats we mostly advertisements for local tourist companies.  I did like one of local dance clubs for kids that did a very original float.
  •  The parade ended with the local Lawn Chair Drill Team.
We then headed through town over to the Ford Theater.  I got a free donut from someone trying to clean up from their parade party.   We got our tickets for Friday and then headed into the ampitheter to get a shady spot.  Dan and Becky bought beer for us as we listened to the free concert by the Dallas Symphony led by Jeff Tyzik.  We all like Maestro Tyzik's arrangement of the Star Spangled Banner, America the Beautiful, and Louis Armstrong standards sung by Byron Stripling.

I pushed for going over to Beaver Creek to see the Bruce Springsteen cover band but no one was up for it.  We watched Shrek Ever After.

Overall a good day...

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