Friday, July 2, 2010

July 2, 2010 - Bike, Hike, Drive, Fly

Well it is time to return my bike so I hop on it around 8:30AM and head into Vail after exploring Avon a little.  The others pick me up and we head to the Gore Creek Trail (not Deluge Lake Trail)along the bike route I took yesterday.  It is a climb up along the creek with some different views, meadows, and fauna than the other hikes this week.  After finding a perfect camping site right next the creek, we wait out a small rain and then head back down.  We didn't make it more than 2 miles in but it was nice hike to end the week.

Lunch, Dan finds Pepi's in the center of Vail and we sit outside, watch the dogs (and people) while Dan and I eat  authentic German food(Bratwurst, saurkraut, mashed potatoes) and the girls have good old American stuff(Tuna melt and French Onion Soup).

We go back and prepare for Becky's birthday party and our last dinner of the week.  Dan makes some great chicken and we celebrate with chocolate dipped strawberries (courtesy of the Ritz) and store bought brownie cake.

Lisa and I drive into Denver to catch our redeye to Philly and then on to Cincinnati.

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