Friday, June 27, 2008

Week of June 9th

Ok so I am in a lot of trouble. It is Lisa's birthday on Monday and our 26th anniversary on Friday and I have to travel to work in Anaheim. On top of that my cousin is having a Bat Mitzvah for her last daughter and I am taking my mother out with me to attend.

June 9th:
My mother and I take the 6:15PM flight to LAX. It is the only direct flight which makes it much easier for my mother to fly. My brother works in Orange county but lives in San Diego. I leave our mother with him and I try to find a bar with a co-worker who also flew out for another project. Unfortuately the plane was late and by the time we head to his hotel area we can't find a place to drink. The good thing is that I get a convertable, Sebring Hardtop. Pretty cool mechanism to lower the top. I drive to Anaheim with the top down. Boy is it cold!!!

June 10th:
First day of work doesn't go late so I hit the sports bar with 2 guys from Boston. The Celtics and Lakers are battling it out. Luckily they are a quiet fans and we just watch the hardcore Laker fans cheer and boo. It is also the only chance to see then Angels (playing the Rays). I walk over from my hotel and get there in the 4th inning. The first inning LAA scored 4 runs so the rest of the game was mostly unexciting. Walkig home I see a few of the Disney fireworks.

June 11th:
Second day we get out even earlier. Only one guy wants to get drink so we hit the local brewery, J. T. Schmit

June 12th:
Drive to Poway to pick up my mother

June 13th:
Fly from LAX to SFO. Take a walk, hit some golf balls, great family dinner at the ship in the bay

June 14th:
Good Bat Mitzvah, fly home

June 15th:
Bach Beethoven and Brunch

1 comment:

Unknown said...


You forgot "called Tom from golf course".

You did catch me by surprise. Normally I would go out of my way to link up but you caught me when I had some other plans.

At least you are back to blogging again.

Gotta go for now (work on my blog).