Saturday, June 28, 2008

Aspen - June 28, 2008

Lisa liked the ranger's idea of going to the Maroon Bells at sunrise. We didn't quick make it but we started a little after 6AM. It was nice and chilly with the sun lighting up about half of the mountain. Almost hit a coyote in the road on the way up.

We did the scenic loop and then headed up to Crater Lake. Coming down we appreciated our lack of sleep as it was not very crowded going up early in the day. Headed home around 10:30AM to have lunch with Hannah at Brunelleschi's (Portabella Salad and Roasted Vegetable Calzone)

Lisa went to observe Hannah's Alexander Technique class and I stayed in our cottage/cabin to get this blog up to date. Lisa is heading over to pick me up and we are going to the 4PM chamber concert at the Harris Theater.

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