Thursday, June 26, 2008

June 7, 2008

Lisa is turning 50 on Monday so we decided to have a party at our house before she turns 50.

Lisa helped plan most of the party

- Catered plate of berries
- Catered plate of roasted vegetables
- Everyone was invited to bring their favorite appetizer. Some of what we got
- Fancy cheeses
- Artichoke dips
- Humus
- Bought a plate of Theresa's Bakery Biscotti
- A cheese cake for the kids
- Lisa made a no sugar carrot cake that was quite good

- From Russia: Baltica Number 6 Porter
- From Czech: Pilsner Urquell
- From California: ??? Wine
- From Australia: ??? Wine
- From Scotland: Glenmorangie Origicnal Cask
- From Scotland: Laphroig 10 year
- From Scotland: Ski...???
- From Scotland:???

Harry's Surprises:
- A few klezmer tuns played by Deane Root, Doris Dyen, Dan Leger and yours truly
- An press interview of Lisa with questions posed by party goers. I prepared the questions based on the recent primary interviews. This was not as successful as I would have liked.

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