Wednesday, June 30, 2010

June 29, 2010 - Holy Cross Trail

Dan finds a trail that is not too far away from Bachelor's Gulch.  Turns out that it climbs up to a 14er.  The other problem is that the trail head is at the end of a 6 mile dirt bumpy road that takes us close to 40 minutes to traverse.  Mt of the Holy Cross was not our destination, we were just hoping to get a view when we hit the pass.

Left the parking lot and started hiking up and up and up...  Finally we hit the top of the ridge and got a great view of some snow capped mountains across the way but not Holy Cross.  We started down the other side as we got reports of a nice stream to stop at.  I left the others to see scout ahead and I think I got to a view of the mountain.  By the time I got back, they were swearing at me as the mosquitoes were having a feast.

Nice trail once you get above the tree line with lots of wild flowers and views all around.  Glimpses of a marmut and prairie dogs.

We get home and discover that the car is caked in dust.

Hot tub and blue cheese hamburgers and finishing 'Flags of our Fathers' makes the day memorable.

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