Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Nov 4, 2008

Well it has been almost 2 months since my last post. I am sitting in the DoubleTree Hotel Bar in Aurora, CO watching the election returns. Obama was just predicted to win both OH and PA which should send him into the White House.

More importantly I am drinking the local Odell 90 Shilling beer which has a nice bite but is a little too sweet for me. I took a nice little walk around the area in the unseasonally 65 degree weather.

What have I been doing?
  • Dynamo Recreation Referee assignor - Keeping me busy most weekends as I don't have enough kids willing to ref. I am working hard to sign up a new crop to take the course in January so I expect spring to be much easier.
  • Edgewood Symphony concert last month was much better than I expected. It was fun playing the Symphonic Dances by Bernstein. Hey Lisa is standing right in front... I have been traveling the last 2 weeks so I keep missing our weekly rehearsals.
  • I ride my bike to work almost everyday. Yesterday was the first day since we changed the clocks back and I left early to make sure I beat the dark. Not sure what I will do next week but I do have 3 lights plus my bright yellow windbreaker. I really enjoy my Xenith Comp on the weekends but I only ride it to the soccer fields and back.
  • CMU Homecoming was fun. I went to the Staff - Alumni lunch on met an interesting guy who was back for his 50th. This was my 31st so I don't feel too old yet. I dragged Lisa to the CMU Capital Campaign kickoff. Great fireworks and we also had a demo from a student of a robot and associated software that creates these fantastically detailed pictures. Check Gigapan out...
  • Haven't seen too many movies but we did go see The Secret Life of Bees this past weekend. Althought the NYTimes didn't care for it, I thought that it was very well done and told a good story. TV Shows that I am watching are Pushing Daisies, ER, Numbers, and In Plain Sight and reruns of Voyager.
  • The leaves are beautiful this week.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sweet blog Dad. You need to be writing more often...I had to wait a full 2 months to learn what was going on. I'm glad to hear the leaves are nice.