Monday, September 1, 2008

August 25 - September 1

A short drive to Boston for delivering a kid to college and a week of work. I had my son's bike at my disposal all week so I got to do some riding in the morning and evenings. I was a little dismayed at how for north and east Boston is. It gets pretty dark well before 8PM!!!

Stopped off for a hike at Harriman State Park with my cousin which we finished well be before 8PM (see above). We stopped for dinner at Hogan's Family Diner in Stoney Point. Their dinners are enough food for 3 people and I highly recommend the carrot cake.

An uneventful trip home. But I had to return the car back to the airport. I decided to throw my bike in the back and ride back from the airport. The route looked good on paper and it really isn't that bad but I tried to do 54 km in 2 hours but I sure was tired after getting home in 2.5 hours.

Other fun stuff this weekend was riding downtown with a bunch of us to see Sam march in the Labor Day parade. Matthias, our exchange student, continued on with me to hit the rib fest and then see The Alps. Sam and Matthias recommend Armadillo's.

1 comment:

John Deru said...

I like adventure, too..

Greetings from me..
John Deru’s Blog