Saturday, February 20, 2010

Another Catchup...Feb 20, 2010

Well I have been busy with lots of other activities taking my time. I will work backwards since I am getting old and the mind forgets things real quickly...
  • I am writing this in Top Pot on Capital Hill in Seattle with Paul working on his project and Hien studying her Materiels Science. See next post for more details.
  • Pittsburgh got plenty of snow this year so I haven't been to the mountains at all this season. Sam and I trailblazed Saturday of the first snowfall (Feb 6) and visited the Evan's on Abbott St since the roads were not plowed. I did most of my skiing in the cemetery behind the house since I spent most of my outdoor time shoveling. Went skiing last Sunday, Valentine's Day, for a couple of hours down in the Frick Ravine.
  • We have switched over to Netflix and have seen several weird movies.
  1. 2012:Doomsday - Careful this is the Christian version
  2. Bicycle Thief - Actually a very good old Italian film about post war II.
  3. Love Songs - Some good looking actresses are the best feature of this cute story.
  4. Avatar - I liked the 2 3-D versions I watched. Well crafted and exciting story.
  • Took Sam to visit University of Rochester on Feb 1 - Looks like none of my kids will go there since he did get into Michigan.
  • Some of the plays and shows Lisa and I have seen:
  1. In the Heights - Road Show hit the Benedem on the first night of snow.
  2. Pittsburgh Symphony - Some good concerts with Manfred Honeck conducting including Mahler's 4th
  3. Room Service - Play with the same plot as the Marx Brother's movie. Good play but not well executed.

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